Club Penguin Likes and Dislikes Wiki

Welcome to the CPLDW! We do have some rules here, so read up!

  • No discrimination whatsoever. It's not cool. No matter what it's about, accept everyone.
  • You may have a strong opinion about ninjas, but keep your language G-rated. Swearing and cussing is not helpful nor tolerated.
  • Don't reveal any personal info, such as your name, your age, etcetera.
  • Don't insult anyone. i.e., don't say "You're such an idiot" if someone does not like Mwa Mwa Penguins, vice versa. The point of this wiki is to simply talk about what you like and don't like.
  • This wiki is called the Club Penguin Likes and Dislikes Wiki, not the Club Penguin Loves and Hates Wiki. Yes, the url does say "cplovethishatethat", but that does not make it okay to say "I hate Sensei". Just say, "I dislike Sensei because..." and state your reasons.
  • Do not under any circumstances, and I repeat not, vandalise any articles. We do not take that here.

Now, we could go on and on forever until the end of time, but that would make this wiki very strict. Just go out, edit well, and check for vandalism.

Breaking any of these rules will result in a block. The time will depend but breaking these rules 3 or more times will be discussed with the administration.

Note: If you have strong negative feelings with parts of Club Penguin, put them on the Anti Club Penguin Wiki.
